Success Story
Delivering Qualified Leads w/ 90% Meeting to Sale Conversion
Working with intelliVOL, Leadium created an outbound sales program that delivered an email open rate of 78 percent. The outbound campaign quickly started generating an average of 1,600 leads per month for the intelliVOL team.
Leads Per Month
Open Rate
Response Rate
SQL Conv. Rate
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Limited Resources Hamper Lead Acquisition

As a small firm with limited resources, intelliVOL was challenged to reach the school leadership needed to grow its business. The company relied on global distribution partnerships to market x2VOL to its potential market of 33,000 schools.

CEO Michele Pitman says, “We decided that to grow, we needed to sell directly to our customers, but the lack of time and resources made it hard to manage an outbound sales program and meet the demand for our product.”

To increase adoption of x2VOL, intelliVOL selected Leadium to develop an outbound program that would target school principals, campus life administrators, service learning directors, and community service directors at private schools.


Building an Outbound Program That Doubled Leads

“We have a 12-week window when decision-makers are seeking a solution. By extending our sales team with Leadium, we were able to stay on target with our communication and outreach,” says Pitman. After a one-month pilot that delivered 800 leads, intelliVOL expanded their investment in Leadium. As a result, leads doubled to 1,600 per month.

Pitman says, “Leadium is delivering highly qualified leads and at the same time increasing awareness of our product. I’ve tried multiple campaigns with dierent companies in the past. We didn’t have anything like the success we’re seeing with Leadium.” Working with Leadium, intelliVOL is quickly and eectively reaching decision-makers. “Leadium’s qualification is so eective--by the time we connect with a potential school, they are ready to move forward with an agreement,” says Pitman.

Coppell, TX
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We embed ourselves into each of our client's sales teams. By adopting your quota goals it becomes essential to develop a foundational strategy & execute on it with gusto.

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"Since we've engaged with Leadium we've experienced a 22% increase in month-over-month sales. And this number is just continuing to grow."